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Holy Warrior

It has been a couple of months, with me dropping one project after another. I have finally finished one of them :). Focusing solely on sculpting for a while now, this project marks 8-9 months of my blender journey, and maybe 4 months of sculpting.

Holy Warrior is a concept design generated by me using Stable Diffusion (AI art). Despite the incompleteness and flaws I liked the image and decided to work on a 3D stylized version of it. Hope you enjoy it!

It took me more than 20 hours before rendering / including concept design. I wasted long hours crashing the blender, again and again, soon I will get better :)

Concept and Final render side by side. The concept art was produced using Stable Diffusion on my own machine.

Concept and Final render side by side. The concept art was produced using Stable Diffusion on my own machine.

Turn table of the final model.

Render on pre-texture and detailing.

Render on pre-texture and detailing.

Final Render in Studio Lighting.

Final Render in Studio Lighting.

Final Render in Dramatic Lighting. Tried to get as close to the concept lighting as possible.

Final Render in Dramatic Lighting. Tried to get as close to the concept lighting as possible.

More on that.

More on that.

